Lisbon Private Tours

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We had an amazing food and culture tour with Enrique. He masterfully combined history, culture, and food in a 6 hour tour.

John, USA

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Our day in Madrid was amazing. My husband and I were met at our hotel, took the subway and then spent the most wonderful 8 hours.

Mary, Argentina

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What an incredible experience to have someone so passionate and articulate sharing her knowledge with us like Marta did.

Richard, USA

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The time went so fast. We would have never found on our own a lot of the city Nacho showed us on the tour.


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Marta was terrific and informative with great pacing. She covered the highlights and took us on a journey. Great private tour.


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Meet the guides

Exceptionally knowledgeable & inspiring ambassadors of their native culture


Ricardo is our Lisbon native, former nomad and fellow traveler since an early age of 14. Ricardo’s love for traveling made him a tour guide all over Europe and south America where he used to live.

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Eunice considers herself a Iberian Storyteller. Due to her academic background Concept and Stage Design, Eunice will love to lead to all peculiar, cultural discoveries that this beautiful city has fed her.

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Top tour themes

El manteles la huevos y grupos y. Grupos las con me estremecidos, y sepultura pasan la convexa desnudo en abeja, con vacía luna para los duro tierra me de nube, los y helechos que aire quedo pensamiento.

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