Our Team

MadSnail Travel project is as local as it can get. Although we collectively speak 5 languages, all of our guides are Lisbon and/or Portuguese born. We are united by a common passion for Lisbon and inexhaustible depth of Portuguese culture.

We keep resisting the "cheese" of mass tourism and choose to create personalized and tailor-made experiences and private tours for our visitors.

Ricardo is our Lisbon native, former nomad and fellow traveler since an early age of 14. Ricardo’s love for traveling made him a tour guide all over Europe and south America where he used to live, still the eternal “saudade"made him return to his first love the city of Lisbon.

In his home town he kept on exploring the culture, gastronomy, history and hidden alleyways of his beautiful city. Ricardo has studied Design and photography, he will make sure to show you Lisbon´s monumental and modern side as well as the nostalgic and iconic one while keeping you curious for more.

Eunice considers herself a Iberian Storyteller. Daughter of a very mixed family crib from Malaga, Córdoba, Lisbon, Porto, Trinidad, Rio de Janeiro and Turin.

Due to an artistic musician family background, since her childhood embebed of Lisbon’s most classical Music Orchestra and Opera House tradition, she loves to share this Bohemian and ancient town essence to all that wish to meet her, the “menina e moça” - Lisboa.

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